The average for asbestos testing is about $517, with a typical range around $225 and $808. It may cost as low as $90 or high as $2,000 for the US in 2023. Testing costs increase with the buildings size and how complex the project is.
From around the 1900’s to around the 1970’s, contractors utilized this natural silicate in homes for its insulating capabilities and durability. Despite that, when damaged and aged, it flakes and crumbles, which emits its fibers into the air. When people breathe in carcinogenic fibers, it can lead to mesothelioma or Pulmonary fibrosis. It’s essential to get a professional to test for the presence of asbestos to find out if your business or home requires asbestos abatement or removal.
The cost of an asbestos survey or inspection is around an average of $495 $225 to $808 for the US in 2022. This test establishes the presence of asbestos to warrant professional removal. The price includes:
- Optical inspection for general risks.
- Collecting samples from areas like the insulation, roof, and walls.
- Lab testing the samples.
- Producing reports on the results.
Lab Testing Cost
The inspection price includes the cost of a lab test. Throughout the inspection, a professional will take every appropriate sample and send the samples to a lab. As an example, one sample is a couple of scrapings off of a textured ceiling to see if it needs the removal of the popcorn ceiling.
Report Costs
The price of the inspection typically includes the cost of an asbestos report because the lab fees are usually a part of the bundle. Following an examination, a report will be created that will confirm or deny the existence of hazardous fibers. You will provide these reports to an abatement professional to show where asbestos is located in your home.
Air Testing Pricing
You can expect to pay an average of $500 to the air for asbestos. Subject to the number of samples you require and the size of your home, costs range around $200 to $800. This is comparable to the price of an inside air quality test, which sometimes includes asbestos in a list of wanted impurities.
Type 2 Asbestos Surveys
Today’s professionals denote to type two asbestos surveys as an “asbestos management survey,” which will cost around $200 and $800. These management surveys are really an inspection that’s a mixture of the previous type one tests and type two tests. It tests all the required samples and establishes vulnerable materials.
In essence, identifying surveys by “type” are a thing of the past. A type two is now part of what we now call an inspection or a management survey.
Asbestos Assessment Costs during a Home Inspection
Asbestos assessment costs throughout a home inspection is around $200 to $800 if you hire a professional independently from a home inspector. Nevertheless, if you hire a home inspector that is asbestos-certified, they can add a lesser fee than the average cost of a home inspection, that is about $330. It’s essential to acknowledge that normal home inspectors don’t do demolition, that includes scraping and taking samples unless they get permission from the homeowner.
- “Learn How Much It Costs to Test For Asbestos.” HomeAdvisor,
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