COVID-19 And Asbestos Related Diseases

COVID-19 And Asbestos Related Diseases

COVID-19 is a respiratory illness which can range in severity from person to person from mild infections to much more serious. Those most at risk of serious infections include:

  • People over 70
  • People under 70 with underlying health conditions (including respiratory illnesses)
  • People with compromised immune systems (such as people who have cancer)
  • Pregnant women

It’s therefore no surprise that those who are suffering from an asbestos related illness are concerned of infection.

Keeping Safe

It’s important to follow the guidance which has already been issued in the meantime, which includes:

  • Significantly limit your face-to-face interactions with friends and family and avoid contact with anyone displaying symptoms.
  • Avoid using public transport and stay at home where possible, avoiding public places such as cinemas, theaters etc.
  • Ask family, friends and neighbors to help you when you need supplies such as food and medicine, to avoid going out.
  • You can also use online services for supplies.
  • Make sure you wash your hands regularly with soap and water or hand sanitizer, avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve when you cough or sneeze and ensure you throw the tissue immediately in the bin and wash your hands.

Self Isolation Coping Mechanisms

  • Exercise – You can also take a walk, providing you stay at least 6 feet away from anyone else. The fresh air can often be good for your mental well-being.
  • Hobbies – Try to find things to do which you enjoy, whether that be reading, writing, watching TV or cooking.
  • Natural light – If it’s a sunny day, open your windows, let some natural light in and even go out into the garden if you can.
  • Keep in touch with friends and family – Although social distancing means you’ll be avoiding regular visitors, make sure you keep in touch with them by phone, text, Skype, etc. Being able to talk to others and share experiences is not only important for your own mental well being, but also for those you’re talking too. It’s in this hour of need we need to rely on others and keep each other safe.

Asbestos, OSHA & AHERA Training Via Classroom & Online

The Asbestos Institute has provided EPA and Cal/OSHA-accredited safety training since 1988. From OSHA 10 to hazmat training and asbestos certification, our trusted and experienced instructors make sure participants get the high-quality initial and refresher training they need.


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The Asbestos Institute is not the official authority to determine OSHA training requirements, which are set forth in the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. OSHA regulations are always being revised, added, and/or deleted, so you must not rely on The Asbestos Institute as the official authority of OSHA asbestos training requirements. Visit the official OSHA Asbestos Training Requirements page here.

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