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Asbestos And Commercial Buildings

Defining Asbestosis

Originally workers involved in maritime work, manufacturing and building trades were exposed to the effects of asbestos. The effects of these included mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis. However, exposure to asbestos in the above areas is very different than the exposure for the potential for people who occupy commercial buildings with asbestos-containing building materials, known as ACBM’s – these can be defined as buildings that contain asbestos at a rate of greater than one percent.

ACBM’s needed to be managed properly and this meant the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has to establish and specify work practices so asbestos release would be minimized when demolition and renovation activities take place. This means there are various rules and practices that have to be followed under what is known as the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) regulations – and these must be strictly adhered too.

ACBM’s can be managed in place by drafting and implementing an Asbestos Operations and Maintenance Plan (O&M Plan), which identifies the type, location as well as the condition of all ACBM’s.

This plan needs to be available for review by everyone involved in the maintenance and renovation of a building. by sticking to this plan, it will prevent exposure to asbestos and also ensure any activities are performed in a way that minimizes the potential health hazards.

Asbestos, OSHA & AHERA Training Via Classroom & Online

The Asbestos Institute has provided EPA and Cal/OSHA-accredited safety training since 1988. From OSHA 10 to hazmat training and asbestos certification, our trusted and experienced instructors make sure participants get the high-quality initial and refresher training they need.


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The Asbestos Institute is not the official authority to determine OSHA training requirements, which are set forth in the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. OSHA regulations are always being revised, added, and/or deleted, so you must not rely on The Asbestos Institute as the official authority of OSHA asbestos training requirements. Visit the official OSHA Asbestos Training Requirements page here.

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